What security guards can and cannot do

Security screening is the backbone of maintaining the security of a public facility.

Security guards are responsible for preventing theft, vandalism, trespassing and other criminal activity. While security personnel are allowed to take certain steps to carry out their duties in a transparent manner, they must remember that there are some things they cannot do.

What security guards can do:

Searching a person

This is the most common task of a security guard. Whether it is a residential apartment or a movie theatre, security guards can check for people entering with unauthorized items. They may ask a person's permission before searching them to avoid carrying an unauthorized item.

Ask a person to wait

A security officer must ensure that no unauthorized persons enter the facility. For example, he or she must ensure that persons entering have proper tickets and reservation slips. If the person is unable to produce sufficient documentation, you may want to hold the person over and inform your supervisor.

What security guards can't do:

Cannot use force

If you find someone suspicious, do not use force until it is in self-defense. If someone is spitting on the establishment or someone is trying to break in, you can fine or use force to arrest the criminal.

Cannot carry a weapon if not certified

Only some security guards are certified to carry weapons. If not, under no circumstances should you ever carry weapons. If you do carry weapons, it will be considered a violation of policy and action will be taken against you.