4 School Break or Spring Break Safety Tips for Your Business

Many people view the winter vacations as a time to relax and be with loved ones, while criminals use them as an opportunity to break into businesses and commit theft. Here are 5??...... security tips to help businesses protect themselves from thieves during the winter vacation season.

1.Reposition your video surveillance cameras

If you have a problem with your video surveillance system, call
a security professional. Then contact us to monitor your video surveillance system. Also check your video surveillance cameras to see if the images they capture will be usable.

2. Contact

If something is blocking your surveillance cameras or motion detectors, it could cause false alarms or allow thieves to enter your property and compromise your system.

3.Update notification list

Remember to update your emergency contact list with your security system service provider to ensure who to call while you are away and let them know if you would like to receive regular notifications.

4.Encourage Vigilance

Encourage your employees to be more alert and vigilant. Remind them to report any suspicious activity they see or hear and to remain aware of their surroundings at all times.
Rappelez-leur de signaler toute activité suspecte qu’ils voient ou entendent et de rester conscient de leur environnement à tout moment.

- Report any malfunctions on exterior doors to the company manager immediately.
- Building security is very important and should be treated as a priority.
- Do not hesitate to call management after hours.
- If it is a matter that requires police intervention, call 911 first.
- Make sure the common areas of your building are well maintained, well lit to make them safer.
- Always check the peephole before opening your door, even if you are expecting someone.